Himalaya Salt Cave

The Crystal Himalayas Salt ha prehistoric origin and deposits dating back about  220 million years ago.

Following the raising of the hearth and the Himalayas massif creation, the Crystal salt lays at about 400-600 m deep, protected from all pollutants.
The crystal structure is ripened under pressure and it has a very high bio-energy value.

Scientific research undertaken by the University of Monaco have shown that after three weeks of treatment in the salt cave can be found benefits in the following cases:
- cough and respiratory difficulty
- sleep disorders
- mitigation of disturbances due to allergic skin reactions, eg in case of neurodermatitis.

In these cases the positive effects remain visible even after 6 to 12 months after treatment. Salt cave care I recommended especially in cases of respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, hay cold and similar diseases (Quote from: Ginger M. – G. Glaser – Salt).

In a salt cave there is a microclimate similar to air near the sea.
Inhalation of precious minerals and salts involves the activation minerals reserves, cleans the lungs and bronchi, improves blood circulation and also stimulates the metabolism. A treatment sessions with salt relax room leads us benefits in case of :

- allergies
- asthma
- bronchitis and disorders of the larynx
- assists in detoxification from addictions (example smoke)
- respiratory disorders
- disorders of the digestive tract
- member of exhaustion
- disease of the skin (example psoriasis, acne, rashes skin)
- disturbance of the cardiovascular system (problems circulation, high blood pressure)
- immune system deficit
- iodine defiance
- headaches, migraines
- inflammation of the nasal cavity
- psychosomatic disorders
- rheumatic disease
- nervous system disorders
- stress

The close relationship between salt and water plays an important role in our body. It has the ability to regulate the water balance and to support positive processes in the cells from the body give : that is the benefit of  the salt.

- distribution of water balance
- purification and detoxification of the tissues
- stability of our blood circulation and the ability functional blood
- kidney function
- wastewater treatment and discharge
- digestion – assimilation and utilization of nutrients
- conductivity of the nerve tracts and brain activity
- muscle and cardiac